
about beneficial plants+Practices…

Here are some great ways to help out pollinators.

  1. Rethink the lawn. Replace part or all of your lawn with flowering plants that can feed and protect honey bees, bumble bees, butterflies and other pollinators.

  2. Stay away from hybridized plants. These often lack the volume of pollen and nectar insects depend on.

  3. Plant single head flowers - these typically have the most nectar and pollen. This is because the single flower plant invests more energy in nectar production and less in petal formation.

  4. Use natural fertilizers and pesticides rather than chemical ones.

  5. Plan your flower blooms for spring, summer and fall so there’s always forage for the bees. For example: Dandelions, crocus, hyacinth, and lilac provide spring blooms. Bees love bee balm, milkweed, joe pyeeye, echinacea, and hosta during summer. In the fall, sedum, bamboo, asters, st. john’s wart, hazel and goldenrod provide pollen and nectar.